Why You Should Send Your Child to Camp

Day camp can be fun, but it’s also important. There’s more to a good camp than singing songs and playing games- a lot more. In a world of video games and text messaging, sometimes a little time in the great outdoors can do a world of good. Here are ten reasons why day camps are good for kids.
1. They expose your children to diversity. Day camp allows your kids to interact with others whom they may have never met otherwise. They learn that the world is a lot bigger than they think, and they learn that the camp’s counselors aren’t just there to enforce rules; they’re there to offer guidance and make friends, too.
2. Day camp offers a boost to kids’ self-esteem. When a child is at camp, their parents aren’t there to help them connect with others. Making friends without outside help teaches self-confidence, and learning new skills such as archery and canoeing can make a child realize how capable they really are.
3. Camp gets kids outside and learning about nature. Many kids spend their summers watching TV and playing video games, and camp is a great way to expose them to nature. Kids will get to hike and swim, getting some exercise and having fun at the same time.
4. It encourages kids to develop self-reliance. At camp, kids learn how to do things for themselves (with help from counselors when needed). Schedules are set, but children still have to move from one activity to the next independently. Children who have separation anxiety can learn to function without their parents being close by, and they will learn how to trust themselves.
5. Going to day camp teaches kids valuable leadership skills. They allow them to make choices and lead projects, and kids who go to camp are less likely to fall victim to peer pressure. Camp attendees are far more likely to take on leadership roles in the future.
6. Going to camp helps kids make friends more easily. They get to meet other kids from all over the area, offering them a unique chance to branch out in their friendships. Making friends with new people teaches kids social confidence- a skill that will come in handy when school starts in the fall.
7. Summer camps allow children to try new activities. With so much to do (activities like swimming, crafts and canoeing), there’s something for every child to enjoy. It’s the perfect opportunity for children to develop new interests, and possibly a lifelong passion.
Camp offers a safe, nurturing and fun place for children to spend the summer. It doesn't matter if you want to send your child to a day camp in PA, California, or anywhere in between, there are options available for every budget and every interest. When school lets out, kids need a way to occupy their time, without relying on computers, video games, and TV. Not only does it keep kids occupied and out of trouble, it offers the chance to create friendships and memories that last a lifetime.

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